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Category: India Development Projects

Building Local Capacities for Peace in Manipur

Project Name Building Local Capacities for Peace in Manipur Project Location India Project Natures Peace and Reconciliation Project Objectives Establish community capital in Manipur to promote peaceful coexistence among different ethnic groups in the region and mitigate the impact of harmful conflicts. Beneficiaries Leaders from various sectors (including churches, civil society organisations, women’s and youth groups), and children. No. of Beneficiaries Approx. 1,100 Key Activities Organise peace workshops for youth groups, women, church leaders, and leaders of civil society organisations in five regions, enabling them to learn how to heal historical wounds.  Organise inter-ethnic football matches for youth groups, church leaders, and leaders of civil society organisations to learn cooperation with other ethnic groups through sports activities. Provide

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Seemapuri Urban Resilience Project in India (Extension Year)

Project Name Seemapuri Urban Resilience Project in India (Extension Year) Project Location India Project Natures Urban and Rural Development Livelihood Development Project Objectives Improve livelihood security for disadvantaged and impoverished families in project areas. Serve poor communities that frequently migrate within the country due to livelihood needs. Beneficiaries Impoverished internal migrants struggling for survival No. of Beneficiaries 490 Key Activities Education and Livelihood Development Provide qualified teachers and educational resources for children’s development centres Offer tailoring and beauty courses at vocational training centres Assist disadvantaged communities in running small businesses or help aspiring small business owners expand their operations Provide career counselling and guidance for young people Health and Wellness Provide regular health check-ups and vaccination services Distribute

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Kalyanpur Disaster Risk Management & Resilience Project in Bihar, India

Project Name Kalyanpur Disaster Risk Management & Resilience Project in Bihar, India Project Location India Project Natures Humanitarian Relief and Disaster Risk Reduction Urban and Rural Development Creation Care Project Objectives Manage and reduce the risk of disasters in the community in order to minimise damage to life, livestock, property and livelihoods. Ensure that the powers of the disaster risk management system are exercised properly. Beneficiaries Impoverished communities, students and farmers affected by natural disasters. No. of Beneficiaries Approx. 7,130 Key Activities Establish a disaster management committee, working groups, self-help groups, and children’s councils. Provide training on disaster risk management methods. Set up project teams to train the community through simulated exercises, dramas, and posters. Provide livelihood training

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