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Poverty Education

We share the mission of poverty alleviation in church and school non-stop, with more than 10,000 contacts every year. Through different methods (including worship, Bible study gathering, Sunday School, training programme, experiential activities, etc.), we let Pastors, Christians and students understand the poverty situation around the world, build their relationship with the poor and practice faith in action, guarding the poor around and even far away. Click here to invite CEDAR to school / church

Cooperating with CEDAR changes my way of being a Pastor. Being a Pastor, only if my life has been touched, I have learnt to love the environment and changed my lifestyle, can I encourage them. Then, leading to change the whole community and encourage each other in the road of our religion.

Pastor Eugene Leung E.F.C.C. Jachin Church

We see the poor same as others, who have a unique story and need to be heard and share. Our propaganda works focus on the transformational experiences of the poor and the work done by our church partners in difficult situations, so as to spread God’s salvation and deeds around the world.

Encourage you to react to God’s calling, through understanding the situation of the poor to build a heart to love them, by ‘Read and Meditate’.

We analyse the cause and trend of the world poverty, combined with the front-line experiences and base on our religion to bring out the role of Christians in this era.

Topics of the talks: integral mission, human trafficking, peace and reconciliation, climate justice, refugee issues and the situation of poor countries under the epidemic.

Click here for the latest activities. 

We bring Christians to project area in different countries. Talking with the front-line CEDAR partners and aided poor communities in first person, understanding the reality of poverty from their perspectives, and reflect on how we respond to the needs of the world as one of the Christian in the world.

Previous CEDAR’s Exposure Trips

  • Exposure Trip of Ethnic Minorities Church Life Experience in Northern Thailand (2023)
  • ‘Trust the Children’ Exposure Trip to Bangladesh (2019)
  • Exposure trip to the Thia-Burmese border and northern Thailand (2018)
  • Exposure trip to Africa (2017)
  • Exposure trip to Myanmar (2016)
  • Exposure trip to Bangladesh (2015)

Click here for the latest activities.