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Letter from CEDAR

18 Jul 23:29
18 Jul 23:29


Dear CEDAR friends and supporters, At the time of writing, Hong Kong recorded its hottest summer solstice in more than 40 years as temperatures reached 34 degrees. I was on a call with our field partner in India, and he was sharing how they had just experienced a record temperature of 50(!) degrees. ‘It’s not a human level of heat.’ 192 people have died in Delhi within a 9-day period this month due to the heat wave. Even at nighttime, people can barely sleep because of the suffocatingly high temperature, and this has led to increased stress on people’s bodies. The extreme heat is particularly difficult for people living in refugee camps and informal housing, as well as…

15 Mar 21:23
15 Mar 21:23


Dear CEDAR friends and supporters, Someone once speaks of the difference between charity and justice: ‘Charity makes people happy but keeps them in an unjust system, while justice frees people from that system.’ At CEDAR, we believe both charity and justice are what God has called us to fight for, as together, they pertain to a vision of human flourishing that is part of God’s will for His creation. We are most grateful for each of you who is partnering with us in this Kingdom work. We believe in the power of partnership, networks and collaboration. We are delighted to partner with 58 churches and schools this year in our annual Red Packet Campaign to raise funds to…

02 Jan 20:13
02 Jan 20:13


Dear CEDAR friends and supporters, Happy New Year 2024! The beginning of a new year is always full of anticipation and unknowns. What do we ‘see’? What is God doing in us and through us this coming year? How do we respond? While the word ‘new’ connotates freshness and hope, it can also take on a darker meaning. New violence and conflicts. New ways of human exploitation. Washington Post warns, ‘A historic rise in global conflict deaths suggests a violent new era.’ Ukraine, Israel-Palestine, Ethiopia, India, Myanmar ── some conflicts caught the world’s attention, while others remain protracted and unseen, with people suffering and dying in neglect. Even human trafficking is taking on a new face. The organised…

25 Sep 16:05
25 Sep 16:05


Dear Supporters, This is the last letter I write as the Chief Executive. From the first time I nervously put pen to paper to now bidding farewell to all my friends who care for the poor, I feel reluctant to say goodbye. Over these years, I have experienced how the Lord has used CEDAR, witnessing His marvellous provision and guidance as we fulfil the Integral Mission. All of these have been beyond my capability and expectations, and I truly feel blessed. Every organisation goes through leadership transitions. In this era, finding suitable talents is a great challenge, but thankfully, the Lord has prepared the right person for us to serve as the new Chief Executive. Therefore, I am…