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Category: ‘SHARE’ 249

‘SHARE’ 249 – An Experience Connecting with the Impoverished – Barefoot Walk

Businesses have returned to normalcy after the epidemic, and CEDAR Fund’s ministries, too, that our colleagues can revisit overseas partners and beneficiaries. Yet, our partners from different countries expressed the same that human trafficking is severe and it needs more resources to combat. Therefore, the CEDAR Barefoot Walk 2023 is coming back this November with the title ‘Remove Price Tag, Free Body & Soul’ to encourage participants to raise funds for anti-human trafficking work by walking barefoot. In this issue’s ‘Focus’, three Barefoot Walk participants shared how the Walk connected them with people experiencing poverty. The authors of ‘Back to the Bible’ and ‘Taking Action’ led us to reflect on the importance of tasting the impoverished’s situation through

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