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Tag: Creation Care


Dear CEDAR friends and supporters, At the time of writing, Hong Kong recorded its hottest summer solstice in more than 40 years as temperatures reached 34 degrees. I was on a call with our field partner in India, and he was sharing how they had just experienced a record temperature of 50(!) degrees. ‘It’s not a human level of heat.’ 192 people have died in Delhi within a 9-day period this month due to the heat wave. Even at nighttime, people can barely sleep because of the suffocatingly high temperature, and this has led to increased stress on people’s bodies. The extreme heat is particularly difficult for people living in refugee camps and informal housing, as well as

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‘SHARE’ 253 – The Transformation of Church Social Involvement

Editor’s note: In this issue of SHARE, we once again share CEDAR’s core belief: helping the poor ‘From Church, Through Church’. This issue’s ‘Focus’ section delves into the historical development of Christian perspectives on social involvement and shares how CEDAR promotes church participation in social issues. ‘Back to the Bible’ reflects on community-oriented missions through the scriptures in 2 Samuel. ‘Taking Action’ shares a testimony of a church partnering with CEDAR to care for the poor community. ARTICLES OF THIS ISSUE​ Download this issue Banner Picture: EGCDWO

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The Pain and Anger on the Journey of Poverty Relief

Written by: Ken Wong (Communications Officer) Have you ever had such an experience? When you were trying hard to tackle a problem, not only did other people fail to lend a helping hand, instead they added more nuisance and trouble to your situation. Our ministry in Bangladesh is facing such a situation, and we urgently need your prayers. Bangladesh is situated in the North of the Bay of Bengal. The southern coastal region of the country is frequently affected by typhoons and different types of flooding. As climate change accelerates, the frequency and intensity of these disasters are also increasing. Disasters significantly impact the poor and marginalised population, as they depend primarily on agriculture and fishery for a

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When a ‘Sense of Ritual’ is Placed in a Relationship with the World

Written by Tony Chan (Partnership Development Consultant) ‘Sense of Ritual’ has become a popular term in recent years. It refers to the act of performing small but meaningful activities in everyday life as if they were some special ceremonies. This creates a unique moment that stands out from the mundane. The term is frequently used in the context of relationships. Couples can benefit from cultivating a sense of ritual to keep their relationship fresh and healthy. Families can also benefit from this, as it fosters a sense of happiness and belonging among family members. Today, let’s apply the ‘Sense of Ritual’ to the relationship between humans and the Earth and reflect on and practice our beliefs. The relationship

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‘SHARE’ 248 – Learning Brings Hope amid the Gunfire

In this issue, we will lay out the needs of people under crises in different countries with the perspectives of the 3C’s – ‘Conflict’, ‘COVID’, and ‘Climate’. Myanmar has gone through years of turmoil, and its people have experienced displacement and poverty that wears their hope for the future. In ‘Focus’, we will introduce ‘Children’s Learning Space in Myanmar’, a new project that aims to help children regain hope through learning amid the war. In ‘Learn a Little More’, we will share the difficulties residents of developing countries face when receiving money from overseas relatives during the pandemic. Besides, we hope that everyone will fall in love with the world created by God, as many people suffer from

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Words from a Youth of Nepal

Written by Ness Ma (Communications Officer) In November 2022, the 27th session of the Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC(COP27) took place in Egypt. Shreya KC, a 24-year-old youth from Nepal, spoke at the conference, ‘we constantly live in fear of being drowned(by the ice water).’ Why did she say that? What the climate conference has to do with Nepal’s glaciers? In fact, the impact of climate change has not only resulted in such phenomena as storm surges and sea level rise, which we often hear of, but it also led to the threat of flooding in Nepal, located in the Himalayas. The water that floods the country’s land is not the sea but the melting ice

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Poor Countries Suffer the Worst Consequences of Climate Crisis

Written by Samuel Chiu “If you, Israel, will return,    then return to me,”declares the Lord.“If you put your detestable idols out of my sight    and no longer go astray, and if in a truthful, just and righteous way    you swear, ‘As surely as the Lord lives,’then the nations will invoke blessings by him    and in him they will boast.” This is what the Lord says to the people of Judah and to Jerusalem:“Break up your unplowed ground    and do not sow among thorns. Jeremiah 4:1-3 Among the environmental news from 2019 to 2020, the forest fires in the United States, Australia and Europe were the most striking. The scope of the fires was unprecedentedly widespread. The frightening scenes had been widely covered by the media. Severe forest fires in

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Advocacy for Thailand Karen Minority Rights (Year 1 of Year 3)

Project Name Advocacy for Thailand Karen Minority Rights (Year 1 of Year 3) Project Location Thailand Project Natures Church and Community Mobilisation Creation Care Project Objectives Protect the rights of local people and communities by developing and strengthening the Karen Network for Human Rights (KNHR). Beneficiaries 36 leaders from the Thailand Karen Baptist Convention (TKBC) 900 KNHR members 11,123 community leaders No. of Beneficiaries 12,059 Key Activities Environmental awareness training: field visits and training related to environmental protection. Forums: organise small group discussions on Karen community rights. Leadership training on building peace and the role of churches. Collecting data on land management and usage. Project Period July 2023 to Jun 2026 Expenses Approx. HK$622,520 Donate Now PARTNER INFORMATION

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Kalyanpur Disaster Risk Management & Resilience Project in Bihar, India

Project Name Kalyanpur Disaster Risk Management & Resilience Project in Bihar, India Project Location India Project Natures Humanitarian Relief and Disaster Risk Reduction Urban and Rural Development Creation Care Project Objectives Manage and reduce the risk of disasters in the community in order to minimise damage to life, livestock, property and livelihoods. Ensure that the powers of the disaster risk management system are exercised properly. Beneficiaries Impoverished communities, students and farmers affected by natural disasters. No. of Beneficiaries Approx. 7,130 Key Activities Establish a disaster management committee, working groups, self-help groups, and children’s councils. Provide training on disaster risk management methods. Set up project teams to train the community through simulated exercises, dramas, and posters. Provide livelihood training

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Dear supporters,  A new film is being widely discussed called ‘Don’t Look Up’, in which human beings, for various reasons, regard a crisis of the earth’s destruction as a rumour and thus do nothing to save it, and everybody ends up dying together.  The story is, of course, fictional, but it also gives me something to reflect upon – there are many things that we know in our hearts. Still, because of our sinful nature (unwilling to make changes and reluctant to tackle our problems), we often end up having to eat the bitter fruit of living our own ways.  When the Lord created the heavens and the earth, He saw that everything was good. As God’s stewards,

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