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Tag: Ethiopia

‘SHARE’ 253 – The Transformation of Church Social Involvement

Written by Tony Chan (Senior Communications Officer) The distinct feature that sets CEDAR apart from other poverty alleviation and development organisations is our operating principle of helping the poor, ‘From Church, Through Church’. Here, ‘Church’ refers not to a specific congregation but to the Christian community. In Hong Kong, we encourage the Christian community to participate through donations, prayers, or volunteer services to help transform the lives of the poor. On the frontlines, we implement projects through local churches and Christian organisations in impoverished areas to fulfil the Lord’s will—believers united in social involvement. The Historical Development of Social Involvement in Hong Kong’s Churches Promoting social involvement in Hong Kong’s churches is not easy. One factor is the

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‘SHARE’ 253 – The Transformation of Church Social Involvement

Editor’s note: In this issue of SHARE, we once again share CEDAR’s core belief: helping the poor ‘From Church, Through Church’. This issue’s ‘Focus’ section delves into the historical development of Christian perspectives on social involvement and shares how CEDAR promotes church participation in social issues. ‘Back to the Bible’ reflects on community-oriented missions through the scriptures in 2 Samuel. ‘Taking Action’ shares a testimony of a church partnering with CEDAR to care for the poor community. ARTICLES OF THIS ISSUE​ Download this issue Banner Picture: EGCDWO

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Thriving communities through women’s economic empowerment, improved climate resilient livelihoods and the engagement of Civil Society Organisations in Ethiopia

Project Name Thriving communities through women’s economic empowerment, improved climate resilient livelihoods and the engagement of Civil Society Organisations in Ethiopia Project Location Ethiopia Project Natures Church and Community Mobilisation Livelihood Development Project Objectives Mobilise and enhance the outreach capacity of local churches to encourage believers to care for their neighbours and support vulnerable families in the community. Promote the adoption of conservation farming practices among local smallholder farming families, enabling sustainable agriculture and improving household food security. This will also help enhance their resilience in the face of natural disasters and the impacts of climate change. Beneficiaries Small farmers from impoverished families and local churches. No. of Beneficiaries Approx. 1,700 households and 12 churches. Key Activities Train

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Response to Climate Change Victims

Written by Wendy Fung (Church pastor) 5Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?14What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?15Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food.16If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?17In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. James 2:5, 14-17

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Life Education for Ethiopian Youths

Written by: Edward Lai (Senior Communications Officer) What kind of person would you like to be? When discussing dreams with youths, despite where they live, they somehow think of being a doctor, pilot, lawyer, teacher or entrepreneur. Dreams may fade in a blink, but it may also be planted in hearts, awaiting to sprout. CEDAR’s Ethiopian partner [1] entered local poor communities, determined on discussing dreams, meanings and values of life with youths. Ethiopian youths are not different from other kids. They also face problems of identity during their growth: Who am I? Who do I belong to? Why did I come to this world? These questions point to the root: What is my outlook on life? Our Ethiopian partner

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We are awake: STOP Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

We put on armors to fight to eliminate harmful traditional practicesSubvert the harmful influences and effectsWe are united and determined to take actionsBecause we are now well awaken to the scourge. Ignorant people in the pastHave been badly harmed by themBecause they did not know any better.Ignorant people in the past believedHarmful traditional practices were good for themWhen indeed their lives were at stake. Female Genital Mutilation is a major harmful practice.Sugar-coated as prestigious and noble,FGM suffocated our mothersWe regret and repent for the harm incurred.FGM steals away sexual pleasures, corrupts marriagesAnd adds complications to child birth. (Lyrics edited by CEDAR Fund, originally written by a memberfrom the ant-FGM group in Ethiopia.) Under the warmth of the bright

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Ethiopian Child Sponsorship Programme – Graduates Passing on the Love

Every year in Ethiopia, there are a few beneficiaries “graduating” from the Child Sponsorship Programme* supported by CEDAR. Generally, beneficiaries are no longer supported by the programme once they reached 18 years old, however, we believe that the criterion to “graduate” from the programme shall not be limited to their age. We, instead, take the holistic development of the beneficiaries into account. For this reason, even as they turn 18 years old, we continue to subsidise them in occupational training for 1 to 3 years in hope of a higher chance for them to be employed with a certain qualification. For those that were admitted to university, our subsidy will apply until the completion of their degrees. From

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Rekindling the Hope of Poor Suburb Children

Children are the hope of our society, and most parents would stop at nothing to provide the best for their growth. However, life is different for the children born in the slums who struggle to obtain necessities daily, consequently giving them more obstacles to a bright future. Our partner in Ethiopia, the Addis Ababa Guenet Church (AAGC), has been tasked to giving the slum children and their families a better environment for over 20 years. AAGC provides basic living, education, and health support to the children admitted to their programme, and it holds regular parent self-help groups where they would learn how to manage their finance and do business, to give them a more stable income. It keeps

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