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Tag: Livelihood Development

‘SHARE’ 251 – ‘Seeing is Changing’ – an interview with the new Chief Executive of CEDAR Fund, Dr. Winnie Fung

The Inauguration Ceremony of the Chief Executive of the CEDAR Fund was held at Diamond Hill Baptist Church on 3 December last year, and we would like to thank our guests and friends for coming to ‘See and Change’. In this issue of SHARE, ‘Focus’ brings the interview of our new Chief Executive, Dr. Winnie Fung, to let readers know about her insights and changes on the road to poverty alleviation. With the title of ‘Come and See: Bring Transformation’, ‘Back to the Bible’ guides readers to take a closer look at the Lord’s work to achieve the transformation of life, and ‘Taking Action’ brings us trippers’ sharing from those who have visited the minority churches in northern

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Sharing on the Exposure Trip of Ethnic Minorities Church Life Experience in Northern Thailand

Written by Gloria Cheung (Senior Communications Officer) Contact with life has the most transformative power to change hearts. Last October, two colleagues from CEDAR joined eight pastors and members from Light Church on a journey to Northern Thailand. They embarked on an eight-day, seven-night ‘Exposure Trip of Ethnic Minorities Church Life Experience in Northern Thailand’ and visited four partners from churches representing different minority ethnic groups. These partners, each in their unique way, demonstrate the love of Christ by being the salt and light in their communities. The first destination of the journey was a visit to CEDAR’s partner Immanuel Foundation (IMF). IMF is dedicated to combatting human trafficking, providing essentials such as shelter, food and legal support

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Holistic Development Project Mon State in Myanmar, Phase 2

Project Name Holistic Development Project Mon State in Myanmar, Phase 2  Project Location Myanmar Project Natures Urban and Rural Development Livelihood Development Project Objectives Promote the holistic growth/development of children and youth (physical, mental, social, and spiritual wellness) in target communities. Bring hope to the community, especially to the new generations during the conflict period. Beneficiaries Children and teachers, field leaders, youths No. of Beneficiaries 831 Key Activities Children’s education: 150 student education allowance for stationery and books, 3 teacher salary Youth development: holistic development training, living allowance for youths, leadership training. Health: health workshops, providing medicine, counselling workshops. Income generation: income-generating activities for women, animal husbandry training, and providing animals. Project Period Aug 2022 to Jul 2024

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Holistic Development Project Karen State in Myanmar, Phase 2

Project Name Holistic Development Project Karen State in Myanmar, Phase 2  Project Location Myanmar Project Natures Urban and Rural Development Livelihood Development Project Objectives Improve the living standard of Internally displaced persons(IDPs) in the target areas by house repairing, community farms, income-generating activities, and animal husbandry training. Secure the learning opportunity of the children and youth of poor families by providing education sponsorship and skill training. Beneficiaries Children and teachers, field leaders, youths No. of Beneficiaries 1,276 Key Activities House repairing: repair 20 IDP houses. Improve the economic status of IDPs: Income-generation activities for women, community farms and training, animal husbandry training Children and youth development: education sponsorship, counselling, and professional training Leadership development Project Period Aug 2022

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Holistic Development Project Kachin State in Myanmar, Phase 2

Project Name Holistic Development Project Kachin State in Myanmar, Phase 2  Project Location Myanmar Project Natures Urban and Rural Development Livelihood Development Project Objectives Promote community development among internally displaced persons in Myanmar. Enhance community resilience in the face of long-term conflict and the impact of disasters. Beneficiaries Internally displaced persons, orphans, community leaders, and church leaders No. of Beneficiaries 1,545 Key Activities Provide training for leaders to enhance their leadership skills and community development abilities. Offer educational sponsorship, professional training, and counselling for youth. Provide medication for influenza and diarrhoea, as well as public health education, to community residents. Additionally, offer agricultural and livestock skills training, and organise Bible study groups. Provide sewing and handicraft skills training

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Holistic Development Project FMFF in Myanmar, Phase 2

Project Name Holistic Development Project FMFF in Myanmar, Phase 2  Project Location Myanmar Project Natures Urban and Rural Development Livelihood Development Project Objectives Empower our partner as the coach and mentor of the community leaders (such as field coordinators) to be the facilitators of community development and sustainable farming in target areas. At least 5 local leaders (field coordinators) enable the local community to respond to local community issues and emergency response. Promote holistic development/ growth of the children and youth during the conflict period. Beneficiaries Children and teachers, field leaders, youths No. of Beneficiaries 374 Key Activities Field leaders training: leadership training, project management training, professional training. Sustainable farming: Agriculture training and field visits, marketing for demonstration

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Holistic Development Project Ayeyarwardy region in Myanmar, Phase 2

Project Name Holistic Development Project Ayeyarwardy region in Myanmar, Phase 2  Project Location Myanmar Project Natures Urban and Rural Development Livelihood Development Project Objectives Improve the agriculture skills and knowledge of the local farmers by providing training, exposure trips, and running the community farm. Promote holistic development (physical, social, emotional, and spiritual) in the target villages, and mobilise the local churches actively involved in this project. Beneficiaries Children and teachers, field leaders, youths No. of Beneficiaries 1,700 Key Activities Youth development: professional training, child protection workshop. Farming: farming training, community farm, exposure trips. Economics: IGA for women and farmers Health: public health education, providing medicine Spiritual: church leadership program, Christian parenting education program Project Period Aug 2022 to

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The Pain and Anger on the Journey of Poverty Relief

Written by: Ken Wong (Communications Officer) Have you ever had such an experience? When you were trying hard to tackle a problem, not only did other people fail to lend a helping hand, instead they added more nuisance and trouble to your situation. Our ministry in Bangladesh is facing such a situation, and we urgently need your prayers. Bangladesh is situated in the North of the Bay of Bengal. The southern coastal region of the country is frequently affected by typhoons and different types of flooding. As climate change accelerates, the frequency and intensity of these disasters are also increasing. Disasters significantly impact the poor and marginalised population, as they depend primarily on agriculture and fishery for a

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Prevention of Trafficking and Exploitation of Women and Vulnerable Children in Chitwan District

Project Name Prevention of Trafficking and Exploitation of Women and Vulnerable Children in Chitwan District Project Location Nepal Project Natures Anti-human Trafficking Children and Youth Development Livelihood Development Project Objectives Reduce the risk of human trafficking in the service areas and help survivors live dignified lives in society. Increase educational opportunities for impoverished and vulnerable children, working hand in hand with the community to create a conducive learning environment. Beneficiaries Women and children in the serving region Women working in adult entertainment establishments No. of Beneficiaries Approx. 1,878 Key Activities Conduct school awareness programmes and strengthen the capacity of Community Support Centres to raise awareness about Anti-Human Trafficking and assist survivors. Provide alternative livelihood opportunities to vulnerable women,

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PARIBARTAN – Climate change adaptation and transforming gender relationships in Patuakhali district, Bangladesh

Project Name PARIBARTAN – Climate change adaptation and transforming gender relationships in Patuakhali district, Bangladesh Project Location Bangladesh Project Natures Humanitarian Relief and Disaster Risk Reduction Livelihood Development Project Objectives Empowering communities to enhance their ability to resist disaster risks and climate change. Reducing gender-based violence and promoting gender equality through the practice of the Transforming Masculinities approach. Promoting climate-adaptive agricultural techniques and training to increase livelihood options. Beneficiaries Community members in 123 villages in the Kalapara region, including members of minority religious groups within the most vulnerable groups (such as farmers, fishermen, temporary workers, children, victims and survivors of gender-based violence, and people with disabilities) No. of Beneficiaries 3,815 Key Activities With the support of the local

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