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Tag: Nepal

The Lord’s ‘Matchmaking’

Written by Clara Chiu (Head of Partnership Development) At the end of 2022, our colleagues visited our partner, Samari Utthan Sewa (SUS), in Nepal and met with those assisted by SUS’s anti-human trafficking project. The region faces a severe human trafficking issue, with traffickers making use of the open border between Nepal and India to smuggle Nepali women and children into India. They lure impoverished women with promises of job opportunities, exploiting them in adult entertainment sectors. Our partner proposed an initiative to further combat human trafficking, so they wanted to secure additional resources to launch the new project, which aims to provide education to impoverished children and adolescents, reducing their chances of dropping out of school and

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‘SHARE’ 253 – The Transformation of Church Social Involvement

Editor’s note: In this issue of SHARE, we once again share CEDAR’s core belief: helping the poor ‘From Church, Through Church’. This issue’s ‘Focus’ section delves into the historical development of Christian perspectives on social involvement and shares how CEDAR promotes church participation in social issues. ‘Back to the Bible’ reflects on community-oriented missions through the scriptures in 2 Samuel. ‘Taking Action’ shares a testimony of a church partnering with CEDAR to care for the poor community. ARTICLES OF THIS ISSUE​ Download this issue Banner Picture: EGCDWO

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Marginalised Communities Oppressed under Caste Culture

Written by: Gloria Cheung (Senior Communications Officer) Two of our staff members and two pastors from a church supporting CEDAR’s ministry visited the Chitwan region in Nepal in mid-November. They visited Samari Utthan Sewa (SUS), a longstanding partner in the area, to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by Dalits, particularly vulnerable women and children. Dalits, labelled as the lowest ‘untouchable’ caste in the unequal caste system, are a group that is susceptible to trafficking and exploitation. CEDAR and our partner have established a community centre in the Chitwan region to combat human trafficking. We took a group photo in front of the centre. Two fellow pastors are learning about the latest developments in the ministry

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Shiva, a Nepalese colleague – Restore Dignity for the Dalits

Written by: Clara Chiu (Head of Partnership Development) Whenever I read Philippians 2 about Christ’s incarnation and dwelling among us in the likeness of men, I am moved by His love and sacrifice. He was willing to lay down His nobility and power, taking the form of a servant to be a human. Such sacrifice is love. Abandoning one’s birthright for others is easier said than done. Shiva, a colleague of our Nepalese partner, Samari Utthan Sewa (SUS)*, followed Christ in a way that he willingly put down his esteemed identity to serve those marginalised. Nepal borrows India’s caste system, which divides people into four main categories, each with its subcastes. The castes are hereditary, and their occupations

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Prevention of Trafficking and Exploitation of Women and Vulnerable Children in Chitwan District

Project Name Prevention of Trafficking and Exploitation of Women and Vulnerable Children in Chitwan District Project Location Nepal Project Natures Anti-human Trafficking Children and Youth Development Livelihood Development Project Objectives Reduce the risk of human trafficking in the service areas and help survivors live dignified lives in society. Increase educational opportunities for impoverished and vulnerable children, working hand in hand with the community to create a conducive learning environment. Beneficiaries Women and children in the serving region Women working in adult entertainment establishments No. of Beneficiaries Approx. 1,878 Key Activities Conduct school awareness programmes and strengthen the capacity of Community Support Centres to raise awareness about Anti-Human Trafficking and assist survivors. Provide alternative livelihood opportunities to vulnerable women,

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Written by: Ness Ma (Communications Officer) My colleagues and I had a trip to Nepal. We met our partner (Samari Utthan Sewa) in the southern part of the country for a new project, ‘Prevention of Trafficking and Exploitation of Women and Girls in the Adult Entertainment Sector’. We would like to know the progress of the newly launched project on-site. Unexpectedly, one of the stops turned out to be a visit to a ‘nightclub’. We were overwhelmed by the raucous singing and accompaniment in the nightclub that we had to shout to hear each other. Almost every customer around us was puffing out clouds of smoke. They walked up to the stage and swayed their bodies to the

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Words from a Youth of Nepal

Written by Ness Ma (Communications Officer) In November 2022, the 27th session of the Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC(COP27) took place in Egypt. Shreya KC, a 24-year-old youth from Nepal, spoke at the conference, ‘we constantly live in fear of being drowned(by the ice water).’ Why did she say that? What the climate conference has to do with Nepal’s glaciers? In fact, the impact of climate change has not only resulted in such phenomena as storm surges and sea level rise, which we often hear of, but it also led to the threat of flooding in Nepal, located in the Himalayas. The water that floods the country’s land is not the sea but the melting ice

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‘SHARE’ 247 – The AES Girls We Encountered in Nepal

Editor’s Note At the end of November just past, CEDAR’s staff members went to Nepal to visit several partners. During the trip, apart from showing our care for our partners, we also monitored the progress of the projects, hoping that the projects would have better results. In ‘Focus’ of this issue, is the sharing from our staff about the new project ‘Prevention of Trafficking and Exploitation of Women and Girls in the Adult Entertainment Sector‘ in Nepal and the situation of the beneficiaries. In ‘Back to the Bible’, we can think about the relationship between climate change and developing countries and how we in rich areas can lend a helping hand from the Book of Jeremiah. In ‘Learn

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Look at Their Dreams

Written by: Ness Ma (Communications Officer) In the ‘Focus’ article, we wrote of the testimony of a child being rescued out of human trafficking in Thailand and given new life. CEDAR also has its anti-human trafficking ministry in Nepal, saving Nepalese women, who were sold to work in the red-light district of Mumbai, India, and their children. We also shelter survivors as we help them recover and reintegrate into society. Not long ago, we invited children to express their dreams by drawing pictures; now, let’s dive into this issue of ‘Join Hands Join Hearts’ to look what the sort of future they anticipate.   Adarsh (pseudonym), six years old, male I drew an aeroplane. I want to be

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Integral Development & Empowerment for Action (IDEA) in Rukum East

Project Name Integral Development & Empowerment for Action (IDEA) in Rukum East Project Location Nepal Project Natures Church and Community Mobilisation Project Objectives Equip local churches to collaborate in fulfilling Integral Mission, bringing renewal and transformation to communities through active implementation of plans and initiatives. Beneficiaries Nepali church believers Pastors Community youth No. of Beneficiaries Approx. 930 Key Activities Organise training sessions, workshops, exchange visits, and experience-sharing activities to introduce the basic missionary principles of Integral Mission to 42 local churches. Cultivate 34 facilitators to guide 18 churches in discovering their own gifts, utilising local resources, and applying the missionary principles of holistic mission to effectively respond to community needs through practical actions. Equip 20 young believers to

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