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Besides donation, your prayer support is vital to us! Pray for our partner, ministry abroad, our staff and needs around the world. Let us use our prayers to spread peace, mercy and justice!

Partners & Ministries

Pray that the Lord will give the Lebanese partner the strength to foster peace in a place full of conflict, sow compassion where they hate and heal where they are wounded. Please also pray that the Lord will protect the hearts of the residents who encounter our project partner so that their healed hearts will not be taken captive by Satan and that they will be able to insist on replacing hatred and strife with forgiveness and peace in a society full of tension.

The World & Our Neighbours

In recent months, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India and other Southeast and South Asian regions have been hit by heat waves, with temperatures exceeding 40°C, and the number of deaths from heat stroke has continued to rise. The high temperatures have also exacerbated the dengue fever epidemic and hit agriculture hard, causing people to complain for days. Pray that the Lord will have compassion on the poor affected by climate change and that the people in wealthy areas with the resources to resist climate change will have empathy and reflect deeply on how to use resources.

CEDAR Team & Needs

We sincerely apologise for the malfunction of the devotion app, rendering it currently unusable. We are working hard to fix it. We kindly ask our supporters to pray that we can find a solution soon so the devotion app can resume operation.

Prayer Meeting

From time to time, CEDAR organises prayer meetings to let everyone know more about our ministries, the poor communities and to pray together for them.

> No upcoming prayer meeting. Please subscribe to CEDAR e-news for our latest activities.


日期: 2024年4月26日(五)// 時間:8 - 9 pm // Chinese only

The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.

Psalm 145:18