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Look at Their Dreams

Written by: Ness Ma (Communications Officer)

In the ‘Focus’ article, we wrote of the testimony of a child being rescued out of human trafficking in Thailand and given new life. CEDAR also has its anti-human trafficking ministry in Nepal, saving Nepalese women, who were sold to work in the red-light district of Mumbai, India, and their children. We also shelter survivors as we help them recover and reintegrate into society. Not long ago, we invited children to express their dreams by drawing pictures; now, let’s dive into this issue of ‘Join Hands Join Hearts’ to look what the sort of future they anticipate.  

Adarsh (pseudonym), six years old, male

I drew an aeroplane. I want to be a pilot. There are many birds and clouds.

Alpana (pseudonym), eight years old, female

I want to be a doctor. This is me curing my patient because he got ill.

Moubani (pseudonym), twelve years old, female

There is a girl acting in front of the camera in this picture, so my dream is to become an actress.

As we witness how these children have dreams again as they run freely in their life journeys ahead, we thank our Lord for saving lives and for all your prayers on our rescue and recovery ministry.